Getting A Mortgage Tax Deduction

You may assume that filing taxes has to be confusing, but that isn’t the case. With the use of Turbo Tax 2014, you can make the filing process less stressful.

If you have a mortgage, you may be considering utilizing the mortgage tax deduction when handling your taxes.

My Mortgage Docs to be Reviewed by an Expert
My Mortgage Docs to be Reviewed by an Expert (Photo credit: i am real estate photographer)

Many people attempt to lower their taxable income with the use of deductions and credits. In order to do this, you may want to claim your mortgage interest. Some homeowners plan to use the deduction and hope to benefit from it, so they choose not to pay off their mortgage. You’re likely wondering if it makes more sense to benefit from the savings or get rid of your debt altogether.

Many individuals find that they have enough money to pay off their debts and still have some savings for emergencies, but they’re not sure if they should make this move.

If you choose to pay off your mortgage so that you can be debt free, remember that tax credits are different than deductions. A credit will lower your taxable income and a deduction will lower the percentage of tax that you owe. If you don’t have a mortgage, you may pay more in taxes, but it may still be less than what you’d pay in interest if you had a loan. In this case, it doesn’t make sense to keep a mortgage in order to get the tax breaks.

Income That is Not Taxed!

Income That is Not Taxed!

While preparing your taxes this year you might notice that some forms of income are not taxed at all while other kinds of income are only partially taxed. You can save thousands of dollars in taxes each year by having non-taxable income compared to taxable income. The IRS has provided a list of incomes that are not taxed.

Included in the list of non-taxable income is adoption expense reimbursements, cash rebates for manufacturers, child support that you received, welfare, gifts, inheritance, compensatory damage awards, workers compensation, and meals and lodging reimbursed by your employer.

Examples … Read more at 2010 Tax.

Income That is Not Taxed!

While preparing your taxes this year you might notice that some forms of income are not taxed at all while other kinds of income are only partially taxed. You can save thousands of dollars in taxes each year by having non-taxable income compared to taxable income. The IRS has provided a list of incomes that are not taxed.

Included in the list of non-taxable income is adoption expense reimbursements, cash rebates for manufacturers, child support that you received, welfare, gifts, inheritance, compensatory damage awards, workers compensation, and meals and lodging reimbursed by your employer.

Examples of income that is partially taxed or taxed based on the circumstances are life insurance, college scholarships, college grants, and non-cash income. Non-cash items are taxable to the fair market value of the items exchanged in a barter situation. Sometimes income tax is avoided through the exchange of items instead of paying for services, but this is not a legal form of non-taxable income.

For more examples of income that is not taxable, take a look at IRS Publication 525 on the IRS website.

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