TurboTax Sees Glitch, #Fails On Twitter

TurboTax Sees Glitch, #Fails On Twitter

Filing taxes is a stressful task no matter how anyone puts it, and if anything goes wrong during the filing, it becomes a nightmare. That is what exactly happened last month when TurboTax users faced a glitch as the deadline to file federal tax returns loomed.

Day 25-A Taxing Evening
Day 25-A Taxing Evening (Photo credit: Mark Sinderson)

The service run by Intuit was unavailable for approximately an hour for some users during evening, which is considered peak hour for the service. It seemed that all would be well since their problems were resolved and service was issued in less than an hour. That, however, was not the case. During the time the site’s Twitter account kept sending out messages, which, although innocent, the affected users thought were mocking them.

“Dependence isn’t always terrific, but it is at #tax time! Aren’t you curious why? #TaxBreaks #TurboTaxTip,” read a popular tweet. A user was quickly to reply with “#TurboTaxFail” hashtags, adding insult to injury. It did not take too long for users to pile on the account, which was actually designated to send out tips and not help users.

Intuit was quick to notice this, interestingly, and canceled tips and focused on helping their affected customers. Having said that, the damage was already done and users felt disgruntled at how they received no immediate help or notices on Twitter, which is often used by other services to broadcast down times and errors to their users.

As it stands right now, the company has learned from its mistake and is sure to assign someone to manually handle their Twitter account.

TurboTax Helps Users Get More Accurate Tax Returns

TurboTax Accurate Tax Returns

Each year, Americans are forced to go through last year’s financial information and prepare a tax return.  For some people, this is a happy time because they will be getting a tax refund, which can mean several thousand dollars in their bank account.  But for others, they will own more money to the Internal Revenue Service.

Day 093/365 - Tax Time Phat Cash!
Day 093/365 – Tax Time Phat Cash! (Photo credit: Great Beyond)

The Internal Revenue Service can not look at every single tax return because there are simply too many filed each year.  They do audit some returns, but it is only equal to one percent of all tax returns.  Most people will never have to worry about being audited by the IRS in their life time.  People cheat on their taxes to avoid paying more taxes each year or to try to get a bigger refund from the government.

The good news is that the majority of people do not cheat on their taxes.  Perhaps this peer pressure will deter other people from cheat on theirs.

Recently, the IRS Oversight board conducted a telephone survey that found that 87 percent of Americans felt that is is not acceptable to cheat on your taxes.  The main reason they were against cheating on taxes is due to personal integrity and not the possible punishment.  Just over 10 percent of people polled said it was acceptable to cheat a little bit on their taxes.

Some people cheat on their taxes without even realizing it.  They may omit important financial information or deduct something that should not be deducted.  These errors are not made intentionally, but they can mean big trouble if they get caught.

Using free Turbo Tax 2013 can help people prepare their taxes and increase the odds that their taxes will be accurate.

Sometimes an error or omission helps the individual by reducing the amount of tax they owe.  But sometimes it helps the government by raising their tax amount.  When this happens, you may not get as big of a refund as you normally would.

TurboTax is an easy to use program that many people use by themselves without hiring a tax professional.  It is less expensive than hiring a tax preparer, and you can use it at any time.

The computer program walks users through each step of preparing their taxes.  It asks questions and offers advice for every item that you need to enter, and it makes it easy for users to file their taxes.

Not only can free Turbo Tax 2013 help make your tax return more accurate, but it can also increase your refund.  Some people find they are eligible for more tax credits if they use a program to help them prepare their return.  When your tax return is accurate, you reduce the risk of an Internal Revenue Service audit.

Prevent A Bill Romanowski Like Situation

Bill Romanowski, former American football player.
Bill Romanowski, former American football player. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How TurboTax.com Can Save You From Tax Troubles And Prevent A Bill Romanowski Like Situation

NFL star Bill Romanowski has landed himself in fresh controversy after the Internal Revenue Services recently revealed that the ex-football sensation owes more than $5 million in back taxes. Romanowski was caught up in a horse breeding scam, which can now spell difficult times for him.

Bill Romanowski and his wife Julie earlier filed a lawsuit disputing a bill for $5 million in taxes and $1 million in penalties. According to the complaint Bill Romanowski stated that between 1998 and 2004, his total taxable income was a negative $11 million. The IRS on its part refuted the claim and said that it was actually $14 million.

The US Tax Court found that the Romanowskis took improper deductions for a business they set up in 1998. The deductions were found to be in the tune of $13 million which the couple took to invest in ClassicStar. The company later went bankrupt and its executives were charged with federal tax fraud.

Need to Get the Documentation Work Done Correctly

This controversy again highlights how malpractices and negligence can cause trouble for taxpayers. In the last couple of years, the government has cracked down on many wealthy Americans who employ different tricks to evade tax. To avoid humiliation and a probable jail term, tax payers need to be sure they maintain proper documentation and follow the law.

A reliable partner like TurboTax.com can prevent several problems and provide necessary help to complete tax related work on time. TurboTax.com has a team of experts who can answer all your queries before you file your taxes. With a client base of more than 200 million tax payers, TurboTax.com has the expertise and experience to help you.

Opt for a professional company like TurboTax.com to solve your tax problems and avoid hassle later.

Tax Carnival Ecstasy – March 1, 2013

Tax Carnival Ecstasy – March 1, 2013

Welcome to the March 1, 2013 edition of Tax Carnival Ecstasy. In this edition we start off with an article by Bill Smith on about getting spam emails from the IRS and how there just like emails from old girl friends, just delete them. Brittany Hall examines Hiring an Illegal Nanny and the trouble you can get into. And John Schmoll believes you Should Just Say No to Refund Anticipation Loans, the pay day loans of the tax business. Hope you enjoy all the material, bookmark, share on Facebook, tweet, and come back real soon.


Bill Smith presents Think Of Tax Filling? Think Turbo Tax posted at 2010Taxes, saying, “March is coming and many businesses out there know what this means. This period officially marks the time to file in business taxes back to the government.”

Bill Smith presents What Do The IRS And Your Ex-Girlfriend Have In Common? posted at 2011 Tax, saying, “You Don’t Want To Hear From Either One Of Them”

tax law

Brittany Hall presents Why You Should Think Twice About Hiring an Illegal Nanny posted at Nanny Interview Questions, saying, “Regardless of where you stand on immigration reform, there’s no denying the fact that undocumented foreign workers will typically perform the same job duties as a native nanny for a lower salary.”


Shelby Martin presents What Are the Consequences For Not Giving Your Nanny a W-2 Form? posted at GoNannies.com Blog, saying, “If you’re considering an under the table arrangement that will leave your nanny with no W-2 at the beginning of the year, there are some dire consequences you’ll want to take into consideration first.”

John Schmoll presents Why You Should Just Say No to Refund Anticipation Loans posted at Frugal Rules, saying, “Refund Anticipation Loans are marketed as a way to get your tax refund quicker and just in a few days. The main problem is that they’re full of fees as well as the desire to spend the money once received.”

Bill Smith presents The Benefits Of Filing Your Taxes With TurboTax 2013 Or TaxBrain posted at 2014 Taxes, saying, “If you have previously filed your taxes by going to a CPA, you really need to look into online software like TurboTax 2013 or TaxBrain.”

Bill Smith presents Saving Money With The Child Tax Credit posted at 2011 Taxes, saying, “A lot of Canadians have no idea they qualify for the Child Tax Credit or what it is.”

Mr.CBB presents Income Tax Is Like A Four Letter Word posted at Canadian Budget Binder, saying, “Income tax doesn’t have to be a four letter word if you plan and maximize on the credits available for your personal or your business returns.”

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of tax carnival ecstasy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Technorati tags: tax carnival ecstasy, blog carnival.

Tax Carnival Ecstasy – February 7, 2013

Welcome to the February 7, 2013 edition of Tax Carnival Ecstasy. In this edition we start with a post on Xero by Rachel Frishe who examines why to switch to the bookkeeping software from a different option. Bill Smith has a couple of tax filing articles about the system you need to run TurboTax 2012 on your PC and a new service from Intuit to help small business find a CPA in their area call CPA Select. Finanly Basit has some tax planning tips for employees that receive a W2 tax form. Hope you find the information useful this tax season, bookmark, share, like on Facebook, tweet on Twitter and come back soon.

Bill & Don
Bill & Don (Photo credit: iluvcocacola)

Rachel Frishe presents » Why should I switch to Xero? posted at Virtual Techniques, saying, “Xero offers an efficient, collaborative environment for bookkeeping and account with robust reporting and excellent customization options.”


Bill Smith presents TurboTax2012 System Requirements posted at 2013 Taxes, saying, “Filing Tax is one of the tedious tasks to accomplish. However, since a last few years, there has been a change in the process.”

Bill Smith presents Pros And Cons Of Filing Your Taxes With TurboTax posted at 2011 Taxes, saying, “Filing your taxes with TurboTax or another online tax program is something that people often loathe doing, therefore they try to procrastinate or push it off for later hoping that they would be excused and the year would pass by.”

Bill Smith presents Intuit Unveils TurboTax CPA Select posted at 2012 Taxes – Free Tax Filing Options, saying, “TurboTax CPA Select is designed to connect small and medium business owners who require someone to file their taxes with a CPA.”

Bill Smith presents Super Saturday In Ohio: Day Of Help For Filing Taxes posted at 2012 Taxes – Free Tax Filing Options, saying, “Super Saturday is a day of help in Ohio for residents in need of help filing taxes. Formerly known as the Franklin County EITC Coalition, the Tax Time Coalition of Central Ohio is ready with professionals in the tax business to help others in need of their services.”


John Schmoll presents How to Take the Emotion Out of Investing posted at Frugal Rules, saying, “The stock market is driven largely by emotion, some say upwards of 90%. If you have a solid investment plan though you can easily separate the emotions from the day to day activity of your investments.”


AYOUBBLIDI presents Tekenen en symptomen Mange Honden posted at Over Honden.

Bill Smith presents Tax Preparation Reviews posted at 2013 Taxes, saying, “Clients continue to use TurboTax every year as it is easy to use.”

basit presents Tax Planning for Salaried Employees- A Last Minute Guide posted at Fintotal.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of tax carnival ecstasy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Technorati tags: tax carnival ecstasy, blog carnival.

Arizona Tax Attorney Aims To Save Customers Money

Seal of the United States Internal Revenue Ser...
Seal of the United States Internal Revenue Service. The design is the same as the Treasury seal with an IRS inscription. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Tax payers often seek out tax lawyers so they don’t have to deal with the Internal Revenue Service alone. In turn, an Arizona tax attorney offer expert tax resolution services that often helps clients save money.

For instance, one satisfied customer said his Phoenix tax attorney offer detailed recommendations about how to deal with the IRS at a time when “we really needed help.”

The customer went on to explain how he relied on these tax lawyers experience to both resolve current tax bill issues; while also avoiding problems with the IRS in the future.

Reliable tax assistance

When it comes to the IRS and tax bills, many people hire a professional tax attorney to not only help them with their personal income tax and their business related taxes.

For example, one small business owner said he needed reliable and knowledgeable tax assistance because his business could not function under a cloud of IRS tax issues.

Thus, the business owner consulted with expert tax lawyers to sort out the back taxes that the IRS said he owed.

At the same time, people who hire these experienced and trustworthy tax experts for personal tax help say it really offered them peace of mind because they no longer have to worry about their IRS bills.