Tax Carnival Ecstasy – December 17, 2013

Welcome to the December 17, 2013 edition of Tax Carnival Ecstasy. We start with some information on filing your taxes at the end of the year for the 2013 tax season. We have a TradeKing review from John Schmoll. And finally Mark Wang looks at assets that you can own that create passive income. Make sure to bookmark the carnival on social sites, like on Facebook, Tweet, and share with all your friends.


Bill Smith presents Important Dates For Filing Your 2013 Tax Return Forms posted at 2011 Taxes, saying, “As the year comes to an end, it is important to start thinking about filing your 2013 taxes.”

A Granny Smith apple
A Granny Smith apple (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Bill Smith presents The TurboTax ItsDeductible App posted at 2010 Tax, saying, “Intuit Inc. announced on December 3, 2013 its new TurboTax ItsDeductible app, had become available for use on the iPhone.”


John Schmoll presents TradeKing Review: An Online Brokerage Worth Considering posted at Frugal Rules, saying, “Investing in the stock market is vital to building wealth and with the variety of options available of where to invest it can be confusing. Choosing a good brokerage that has good offering and low fees can be a great way to help grow your retirement portfolio and get your investing on the right foot.”

John Schmoll presents My Retirement Dream: to Keep Working! posted at Frugal Rules, saying, “Many want to follow the traditional retirement dream of working until 65 and then leaving the workforce completely. My retirement dream is different – to continue working. With frugal living and an aggressive investing strategy I believe many can pursue that dream and eventually work for yourself in retirement.”


Bill Smith presents IRS Forms To File Back Taxes posted at 2008 Taxes, saying, “Even if one is certain there are no mistakes in the forms when following federal tax procedures, a little shiver goes down a taxpayers spine at the very thought of a letter arriving from the IRS.”

Bill Smith presents How To Survive The Holidays posted at 2012 Taxes – Free Tax Filing Options, saying, “The holiday season can be fun yet challenging. Everyone wants to share in showing appreciation and love for those they love.”

Bill Smith presents Voting For Big Game’s Final Four In Last Days posted at 2014 Taxes, saying, “On Feb. 2, 2014, Intuit, the home company of TurboTax Canada, will make one small business a star in the biggest commercial game of the year.”


Bill Smith presents Twitter IPO Vs. Facebook – posted at FastSwings, saying, “At first glance, it would seem Twitter had no intentions of posting such a high IPO, but their current policy of growth says otherwise.”

Bill Smith presents Burger King Worldwide 2013 Third Quarter Results posted at FastSwings, saying, “Over the years, Burger King have been steadily going from strength to strength, so it comes as no surprise that the third quarter results are so impressive.”

Bill Smith presents Halliburton Profit Jumps 17% posted at FastSwings, saying, “Halliburton beat its earnings expectations with a seventeen percent profit jump this week, owing largely to its operations on a global scale”

Mark Wang presents Which assets produce passive income? posted at The Money MailThe Money Mail, saying, “When it comes to taxes, passive income assets can be completed as in how much they are taxed, how is the income treated and what accounts as income from tax purposes. Let us take a look at the various passive income producing assets in this article.”

Bill Smith presents How Secured Loans Can Help posted at Debt Consolidation, saying, “Consumers who need to rebuild their credit histories can take secured loans to start the process. A secured loan is an advance that a lender gives to a person who is willing to offer some type of collateral.”

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of tax carnival ecstasy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

The TurboTax ItsDeductible App

The TurboTax ItsDeductible App

Intuit Inc. announced on December 3, 2013 its new TurboTax ItsDeductible app, had become available for use on the iPhone. The app is geared towards assisting the estimated seventy-five percent of US citizens, who make donations to charity, to be able to convert their goodwill into considerable tax deductions. Free of charge, the app is offered on the iPhone with iOS7 app store.

The Turbo Tax Online program is very popular. Persons are able to monitor their charitable donations easily with TurboTax ItsDeductible, through the combination of the convenience and portability of a mobile device. Valuations for over ten thousand items commonly donated, such as toys, sporting goods, clothing, appliances, games, household products among others, are featured on this app.

Most taxpayers are aware that non cash donations can be tax deductible, however they do not always accurately value the goods that they donate. This is usually because they randomly guess the value. An example of this is when bags of clothing are donated, and perhaps valued at $50.00, when in fact the actual value is over $300.00.

Before leaving a donation facility, persons can quickly and easily enter their donated items into TurboTax ItsDeductible. The app will then automatically use the guidelines established by the Internal Revenue Service, to make a fair market valuation. This will ensure that users receive the total deductions that they are entitled to, on their tax returns. Location sensitive technology is used by the app to capture the address of the charity quickly, for the purpose of tax record keeping. So that philanthropists can be rewarded properly for their generosity, they should use this app to monitor their donations.

TurboTax Sees Glitch, #Fails On Twitter

TurboTax Sees Glitch, #Fails On Twitter

Filing taxes is a stressful task no matter how anyone puts it, and if anything goes wrong during the filing, it becomes a nightmare. That is what exactly happened last month when TurboTax users faced a glitch as the deadline to file federal tax returns loomed.

Day 25-A Taxing Evening
Day 25-A Taxing Evening (Photo credit: Mark Sinderson)

The service run by Intuit was unavailable for approximately an hour for some users during evening, which is considered peak hour for the service. It seemed that all would be well since their problems were resolved and service was issued in less than an hour. That, however, was not the case. During the time the site’s Twitter account kept sending out messages, which, although innocent, the affected users thought were mocking them.

“Dependence isn’t always terrific, but it is at #tax time! Aren’t you curious why? #TaxBreaks #TurboTaxTip,” read a popular tweet. A user was quickly to reply with “#TurboTaxFail” hashtags, adding insult to injury. It did not take too long for users to pile on the account, which was actually designated to send out tips and not help users.

Intuit was quick to notice this, interestingly, and canceled tips and focused on helping their affected customers. Having said that, the damage was already done and users felt disgruntled at how they received no immediate help or notices on Twitter, which is often used by other services to broadcast down times and errors to their users.

As it stands right now, the company has learned from its mistake and is sure to assign someone to manually handle their Twitter account.

Tax Carnival Ecstasy – February 7, 2013

Welcome to the February 7, 2013 edition of Tax Carnival Ecstasy. In this edition we start with a post on Xero by Rachel Frishe who examines why to switch to the bookkeeping software from a different option. Bill Smith has a couple of tax filing articles about the system you need to run TurboTax 2012 on your PC and a new service from Intuit to help small business find a CPA in their area call CPA Select. Finanly Basit has some tax planning tips for employees that receive a W2 tax form. Hope you find the information useful this tax season, bookmark, share, like on Facebook, tweet on Twitter and come back soon.

Bill & Don
Bill & Don (Photo credit: iluvcocacola)

Rachel Frishe presents » Why should I switch to Xero? posted at Virtual Techniques, saying, “Xero offers an efficient, collaborative environment for bookkeeping and account with robust reporting and excellent customization options.”


Bill Smith presents TurboTax2012 System Requirements posted at 2013 Taxes, saying, “Filing Tax is one of the tedious tasks to accomplish. However, since a last few years, there has been a change in the process.”

Bill Smith presents Pros And Cons Of Filing Your Taxes With TurboTax posted at 2011 Taxes, saying, “Filing your taxes with TurboTax or another online tax program is something that people often loathe doing, therefore they try to procrastinate or push it off for later hoping that they would be excused and the year would pass by.”

Bill Smith presents Intuit Unveils TurboTax CPA Select posted at 2012 Taxes – Free Tax Filing Options, saying, “TurboTax CPA Select is designed to connect small and medium business owners who require someone to file their taxes with a CPA.”

Bill Smith presents Super Saturday In Ohio: Day Of Help For Filing Taxes posted at 2012 Taxes – Free Tax Filing Options, saying, “Super Saturday is a day of help in Ohio for residents in need of help filing taxes. Formerly known as the Franklin County EITC Coalition, the Tax Time Coalition of Central Ohio is ready with professionals in the tax business to help others in need of their services.”


John Schmoll presents How to Take the Emotion Out of Investing posted at Frugal Rules, saying, “The stock market is driven largely by emotion, some say upwards of 90%. If you have a solid investment plan though you can easily separate the emotions from the day to day activity of your investments.”


AYOUBBLIDI presents Tekenen en symptomen Mange Honden posted at Over Honden.

Bill Smith presents Tax Preparation Reviews posted at 2013 Taxes, saying, “Clients continue to use TurboTax every year as it is easy to use.”

basit presents Tax Planning for Salaried Employees- A Last Minute Guide posted at Fintotal.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of tax carnival ecstasy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Features Of The Federal Free TurboTax

Features Of The Federal Free TurboTax

It is now possible for people to file their Federal taxes free with the help of Free Turbo Tax.  Federal Free Turbo Tax was designed with people having tax returns in mind, in view that they do not require a lot of tax guidance irrespective of their income level. The free edition provides an easy way of getting free tax preparation, by searching for the tax credits that one is eligible for to get the highest possible refund amount.

English: United States Internal Revenue Servic...
English: United States Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division Badge (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Federal Free TurboTax has several notable features, including guidance for first time users on how to complete their taxes. It asks questions in plain English then arranges the answers for the filer on the correct forms. It also skips the questions that do not apply the person filing the taxes, enabling him to finish the process faster. Moreover, it guarantees one to get the biggest refund possible.

The feature finds every credit that a person remitting his taxes deserves. Every year, many taxpayers get a lesser refund than they deserve since they fail to capitalize on the entire tax credits for which they qualify. Federal Free Turbo Tax has an audit support center that can be downloaded. It provides the taxpayer with guidance on what he needs to know and do in case the IRS contacts him. A notable feature of it that with it one can pay his taxes as he pleases, any time of the day. One can even access it without having to create a user ID.