Tax Carnival Ecstasy – December 17, 2013

Welcome to the December 17, 2013 edition of Tax Carnival Ecstasy. We start with some information on filing your taxes at the end of the year for the 2013 tax season. We have a TradeKing review from John Schmoll. And finally Mark Wang looks at assets that you can own that create passive income. Make sure to bookmark the carnival on social sites, like on Facebook, Tweet, and share with all your friends.


Bill Smith presents Important Dates For Filing Your 2013 Tax Return Forms posted at 2011 Taxes, saying, “As the year comes to an end, it is important to start thinking about filing your 2013 taxes.”

A Granny Smith apple
A Granny Smith apple (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Bill Smith presents The TurboTax ItsDeductible App posted at 2010 Tax, saying, “Intuit Inc. announced on December 3, 2013 its new TurboTax ItsDeductible app, had become available for use on the iPhone.”


John Schmoll presents TradeKing Review: An Online Brokerage Worth Considering posted at Frugal Rules, saying, “Investing in the stock market is vital to building wealth and with the variety of options available of where to invest it can be confusing. Choosing a good brokerage that has good offering and low fees can be a great way to help grow your retirement portfolio and get your investing on the right foot.”

John Schmoll presents My Retirement Dream: to Keep Working! posted at Frugal Rules, saying, “Many want to follow the traditional retirement dream of working until 65 and then leaving the workforce completely. My retirement dream is different – to continue working. With frugal living and an aggressive investing strategy I believe many can pursue that dream and eventually work for yourself in retirement.”


Bill Smith presents IRS Forms To File Back Taxes posted at 2008 Taxes, saying, “Even if one is certain there are no mistakes in the forms when following federal tax procedures, a little shiver goes down a taxpayers spine at the very thought of a letter arriving from the IRS.”

Bill Smith presents How To Survive The Holidays posted at 2012 Taxes – Free Tax Filing Options, saying, “The holiday season can be fun yet challenging. Everyone wants to share in showing appreciation and love for those they love.”

Bill Smith presents Voting For Big Game’s Final Four In Last Days posted at 2014 Taxes, saying, “On Feb. 2, 2014, Intuit, the home company of TurboTax Canada, will make one small business a star in the biggest commercial game of the year.”


Bill Smith presents Twitter IPO Vs. Facebook – posted at FastSwings, saying, “At first glance, it would seem Twitter had no intentions of posting such a high IPO, but their current policy of growth says otherwise.”

Bill Smith presents Burger King Worldwide 2013 Third Quarter Results posted at FastSwings, saying, “Over the years, Burger King have been steadily going from strength to strength, so it comes as no surprise that the third quarter results are so impressive.”

Bill Smith presents Halliburton Profit Jumps 17% posted at FastSwings, saying, “Halliburton beat its earnings expectations with a seventeen percent profit jump this week, owing largely to its operations on a global scale”

Mark Wang presents Which assets produce passive income? posted at The Money MailThe Money Mail, saying, “When it comes to taxes, passive income assets can be completed as in how much they are taxed, how is the income treated and what accounts as income from tax purposes. Let us take a look at the various passive income producing assets in this article.”

Bill Smith presents How Secured Loans Can Help posted at Debt Consolidation, saying, “Consumers who need to rebuild their credit histories can take secured loans to start the process. A secured loan is an advance that a lender gives to a person who is willing to offer some type of collateral.”

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of tax carnival ecstasy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

Tax Carnival Ecstasy – June 18, 2013

Welcome to the June 18, 2013 edition of Tax Carnival Ecstasy. In this edition we start with an article by Jason Hull on tax accountants for your business. John Schmoll has a great post on retirement planning and saving for college together. Bill Smith takes a look at the online sales tax proposals that have been made. And we have an article on fake charities popping up after the recent events in Boston and how to protect yourself. Hope you like all the articles, bookmark, share, tweet, and like on Facebook.

Bill Smith's gold medal
Bill Smith’s gold medal (Photo credit: Waikiki Natatorium)


Jason Hull presents Tax Accounts for Your Business posted at Hull Financial Planning, saying, “Don’t forget that if you own a business which is treated as a partnership for tax purposes, you’ll be personally liable for the taxes at the end of the year!”


John Schmoll presents Retirement Planning and Saving For College: Can They Co-exist? posted at Frugal Rules, saying, “Retirement planning and saving for college are both items that take years to save for. While it may not always be easy to balance the two, it can be possible to do so without sacrificing the other.”

John Schmoll presents How to Invest in Stocks When You Do Not Know Where to Start posted at Frugal Rules, saying, “Investing in stocks, or anything in the market, can be overwhelming for many. The key to overcoming that fear is knowing where to start and educating yourself so that you can set up an investment portfolio that’ll help you grow your wealth and reach your long-term retirement goals.”

tax law

Bill Smith presents Implications Of Passing A Senate Bill Enacting An Online Sales Tax posted at 2011 Tax, saying, “Congress is currently moving forward with a Senate bill that could place sales taxes on buyers who place orders for items housed out of state.”


Bill Smith presents TaxCaster: The Mobile Tax Calculator For Taxpayers posted at 2009 Tax, saying, “Tax calculators are popular tools for consumers these days. Before filing one’s taxes, a person can take advantage of a calculator.”

Bill Smith presents After The Events In Boston And Texas, Charity Scams Are Common posted at 2009 Taxes, saying, “When you use TurboTax to file your taxes, you may notice that you can write off the money that you gave to charities.”


Cherry Liu presents 30 Blogs Featuring the Most Reliable Tips for Estate Shoppers posted at House Sitting Jobs, saying, “Real estate laws, taxes and investment options constantly change to reflect the state of the economy, which is why the smartest investors know stay ahead of the game.”

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of tax carnival ecstasy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Tax Carnival Ecstasy – March 1, 2013

Tax Carnival Ecstasy – March 1, 2013

Welcome to the March 1, 2013 edition of Tax Carnival Ecstasy. In this edition we start off with an article by Bill Smith on about getting spam emails from the IRS and how there just like emails from old girl friends, just delete them. Brittany Hall examines Hiring an Illegal Nanny and the trouble you can get into. And John Schmoll believes you Should Just Say No to Refund Anticipation Loans, the pay day loans of the tax business. Hope you enjoy all the material, bookmark, share on Facebook, tweet, and come back real soon.


Bill Smith presents Think Of Tax Filling? Think Turbo Tax posted at 2010Taxes, saying, “March is coming and many businesses out there know what this means. This period officially marks the time to file in business taxes back to the government.”

Bill Smith presents What Do The IRS And Your Ex-Girlfriend Have In Common? posted at 2011 Tax, saying, “You Don’t Want To Hear From Either One Of Them”

tax law

Brittany Hall presents Why You Should Think Twice About Hiring an Illegal Nanny posted at Nanny Interview Questions, saying, “Regardless of where you stand on immigration reform, there’s no denying the fact that undocumented foreign workers will typically perform the same job duties as a native nanny for a lower salary.”


Shelby Martin presents What Are the Consequences For Not Giving Your Nanny a W-2 Form? posted at Blog, saying, “If you’re considering an under the table arrangement that will leave your nanny with no W-2 at the beginning of the year, there are some dire consequences you’ll want to take into consideration first.”

John Schmoll presents Why You Should Just Say No to Refund Anticipation Loans posted at Frugal Rules, saying, “Refund Anticipation Loans are marketed as a way to get your tax refund quicker and just in a few days. The main problem is that they’re full of fees as well as the desire to spend the money once received.”

Bill Smith presents The Benefits Of Filing Your Taxes With TurboTax 2013 Or TaxBrain posted at 2014 Taxes, saying, “If you have previously filed your taxes by going to a CPA, you really need to look into online software like TurboTax 2013 or TaxBrain.”

Bill Smith presents Saving Money With The Child Tax Credit posted at 2011 Taxes, saying, “A lot of Canadians have no idea they qualify for the Child Tax Credit or what it is.”

Mr.CBB presents Income Tax Is Like A Four Letter Word posted at Canadian Budget Binder, saying, “Income tax doesn’t have to be a four letter word if you plan and maximize on the credits available for your personal or your business returns.”

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of tax carnival ecstasy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Technorati tags: tax carnival ecstasy, blog carnival.