TurboTax recently listed some common overlooked tax deductions that tax payers should consider when filing their taxes. Some of the often forgotten tax deductions included property taxes, the Child Care Credit, the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), and refinancing points. As long as you itemize your tax deductions, you should consider claiming the deductions that apply to your situation.
Property Taxes
The standard deduction can be enhanced if you pay property taxes during the year and do not itemize your deductions on Schedule A. Add an additional $500 to the standard deduction for both 2008 taxes and 2009 taxes.
Child Care Credit
Make sure to claim child tax credits up to $6,000 when you work have your children in child care. Often an employer will provide a plan that will pay for child care pre-tax but not up to the $6,000 limit. If this is the case, take the extra amount up to the limit on your tax return.
Earned Income Tax Credit
Lower to middle income tax payers can claim the Earned Income Tax Credit and receive a tax refund greater than the taxes they paid during the tax year. Many miss out on the tax credit as they do not realize it is available to them. If your income has changed during the past year, make sure to study the EITC to see if you qualify. The tax credit varies depending on your income, filing status and family size. If you find that you are eligible, amend your past returns to claim this very generous tax credit.
Refinancing Points
If you purchased a home during the past tax year and paid mortgage origination points, you can claim all the points when you file your taxes and obtain a very good tax deduction. If you refinanced your home and paid points, you can claim the points you paid as a tax deduction spread out over the life of the loan.